Value Codes:
The capacitance value is often marked using a 3 digit code. This works in the same way as resistor coding but using numbers instead of colours. The first 2 numbers give the value and the last number is the multiplier. These give the value in Picofarads (pF), e.g. code 103 = 1 0 000pF (=0.01uF - see Capacitance Conversion Table). Alternatively the value may be marked directly, for example 2n2 is 2.2 Nanofarads (nF).
Tolerance Code:
A single letter is often used to indicate the tolerance of the component. These can be translated using the following table:
Tolerance Code | Tolerance |
C | +/- 0.25pF |
D | +/- 0.5pF |
F | +/- 1% |
G | +/- 2% |
J | +/- 5% |
K | +/- 10% |
M | +/- 20% |
Z | - 20% +80% |
Material Code:
The dielectric material is often marked in abbreviated form. The table below shows the meaning of these abbreviations.
Marking | Material |
MKT | Metallised Polyester (PETP) |
MKC | Metallised Polycarbonate |
KT | Polyester Film / Foil |
KS | Polystyrene Film / Foil |
KP | Polypropylene Film / Foil |
MKP | Metallised Polypropylene |